Getting People to Travel means Getting Industry Multipliers to Your Destination.
GIA organizes individual and group fam tours to all destinations we represent – either as travel agency fam for the purpose of sales training, or with product managers of selected tour operators for the sake of new product development. GIA is active in all phases of these important tours: pre-planning, invitation, programming, execution and post-tour evaluation. Through our strong industry contacts we are in the position to secure industry discounts, and actively involve our valuable industry partners in the planning and execution of these familiarization tours.
Recent fam trips included a pre Campus Live tour with 20 agents and DER-Touristik to the Florida Keys, a TUI travel agent famtour to Arizona, a tour with Belgian travel agents to Kissimmeee, a group of German tour operators through New England, and a Brand USA Megafam tour with RVs / campers through Colorado in September.